

10th World Meeting of Families

“Family love: a vocation and a path to holiness”


"Family love: vocation and path of holiness" is the title of the 10th World Meeting of Families held in Rome June 22-26, 2022 and organized by the Diocese of Rome and the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life.

The pandemic made it necessary to rethink the ways how people could participate in the event, which, at the Holy Father's request, took place both in-person and online, in a "multicentered and widespread" form. During those days, most of the dioceses around the world organized local meetings and liturgical celebrations on the same themes planned for the Pastoral Congress in Rome, which was attended by 2,000 delegates from bishops' conferences and movements. In this way, the message "Family love: vocation and path of holiness" became widespread and could reach families all over the world.




WMOF 2018
Preparatory resources for the parishes will be presented and available online on August 21st

A Guide for Facilitators, a volume containing practical initiatives, and another on the six-part program for parishes based on “Amoris Laetitia” are the preparatory resources for the Dublin World ...

Available in five languages and full of multimedia contents

The website for the Dublin World Meeting of Families is online. This site—available in Italian, English, French, Spanish, and Irish Gaelic—is full of useful information and thematic insights. From the ...


Msgr. Carlos Simon, the Dicastery’s Delegate for the Family section, and Dr. Marco Brusati, major events expert and our collaborator, are now in Dublin for a preparatory meeting of the World Meeting ...