International Catholic Committee of Nurses and Medical Social Assistants


International Catholic Committee of Nurses and Medical Social Assistants


CICIAMS (Comité International Catholique des Infirmières et Assistantes Médico-Sociales)




CICIAMS came into being in Lourdes, France, under the name "International Study Committee for Catholic Nurses’ Associations" following a meeting of delegates of Catholic nurses’ associations from different countries held in Basel, Switzerland, in 1928. As the number of members increased including not only nurses but other professionals in the medical and social fields, the Committee took its present name in 1946. It is recognised by the Holy See as an International Catholic Organisation, and is a member of the Conference of ICOs. As an NGO, CICIAMS has consultative status at the WHO, UNICEF and the Council of Europe. Previously recognised by the Holy See, the Pontifical Council for the Laity granted recognition to the International Catholic Committee of Nurses and Medical Social Assistants as an international association of the faithful on 6th March 2015.


CICIAMS encourages the establishment and development of Catholic professional associations in every country to provide nurses and medical/social workers with spiritual and moral support, and updated specialised training; it coordinates the initiatives that Catholic professional associations launch in order to deepen and advocate Christian thinking in the nursing and medical/social professions; it promotes health care and social work in accordance with scientific progress and in harmony with the principles of a Christian order which guarantees every human being the well-being and health that is their birthright, and always with respect for their religious convictions. CICIAMS pursues its objectives by organising international meetings and study seminars, drawing up ethical guidelines, and with a solidarity Fund to support the establishment and work of Catholic nurses’ associations in the developing countries.


The supreme governing body of CICIAMS is the General Council, made up of the Presidents or the official delegates of the member associations, which meets once every two years. The General Council lays down the general guidelines for the work of the Committee and elects the Executive Bureau comprising the President, Vice Presidents, the General Secretary, the General Treasurer, and the International Ecclesiastical Assistant. The members of CICIAMS have deliberative voting rights. It also has corresponding members.


CICIAMS Nouvelles, published three times a year in French, English, Spanish and German.





CICIAMS General Secretariat


Palazzo San Calisto

Piazza San Calisto, 16

00153 ROMA (Italy)

