The Dicastery promotes the pastoral ministry of marriage and the family based upon the Church's Magisterium, working to ensure that the rights and duties of spouses and the family are recognized in the Church itself, as well as in society, the economy and politics. In this regard, it organizes and supports international meetings and events. It also follows the activities of national and international Catholic institutes, associations, movements and organizations whose purpose is to serve the good of the family.

With the support of the Bishops' Conferences and the Eastern Churches, the Dicastery examines the variety of anthropological, social, cultural and economic conditions of family life.

Assisted by experts, the Dicastery studies and investigates the causes of crises in marriages and families, gathering and promoting models of pastoral accompaniment, formation of consciences and the integration for civilly remarried divorcees as well as for those who, in some cultures, live in situations of polygamy.

To achieve these goals, the Dicastery collaborates with the Pontifical Theological Institute “John Paul II” for Marriage and the Family Sciences.





The new website

A hug that welcomes all the laity and all the families of the world. This is what the new logo of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life Dicastery, that we are presenting today together with the ...

A Meeting in Dublin on the Program, the Catechesis, the Festival of Testimonies; the full involvement of the delegates of family ministry in Ireland’s dioceses.

Msgr. Carlos Simón Vázquez, delegate of our Dicastery’s Family and Life Section, and Dr. Marco Brusati, our collaborator in the organization of major events, have been to Dublin in recent days to meet ...

Activities of the Dicastery
Some MEPs meet to discuss family policy issues

In recent days, at the headquarters of the Dicastery’s Family Section, Msgr. Carlos Simon met with a delegation of European parliamentarians led by Mr. Miroslaw Mikolasik (Slovakia). The delegation ...