The Course

Course of Permanent Formation in Pastoral Care of the Family

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The Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family Studies, in collaboration with the National Offices for Family Ministry and Pastoral Care of Vocations of the Italian Bishops’ Conference, is offering a Course of Permanent Formation in Pastoral Care of the Family specially designed for priests, religious, and deacons.

“One of the places where your presence seems most needed and significant is, first and foremost, the family.” Inspired by these words of Pope Francis to the Italian Bishops, wants to stimulate the deepest part of the priests’ hearts to accompany families so that they may “receive through our words and deeds the oil of gladness which Jesus, the Anointed One, came to bring us” (Homily of the Chrismal Mass, Holy Thursday 2013).

The call to the new evangelization encounters its primary resource in the family. The priest must respond to this invitation with a renewed knowledge of the truth of human love and the divine plan for the family, with a new pastoral vision that also responds to the social dimension of marriage and the family. These aspects are living realities that need to be considered theologically and studied in the light of the living testimony of families and a careful reading of cultural realities. The objective is, in fact, to help integrate and harmonize, in pastoral action, the priestly ministry with “the authentic gospel of marriage and the family” (Italian Bishops’ Conference, Family Pastoral Care Directory, 25 July 1993, no. 8).

The course intends to show the intrinsic relationship between the family and faith, seeing precisely in this connection the family's inherent strength as a subject of evangelization. In the vital comparison between family life and the priestly ministry, a richer understanding of their own specific vocation to love develops.


How much does it cost? 350 euros (not including the price of food and accommodation, nor the visits to be paid)


STUDY PLAN A.A. 2017/2018


The two-month part-time program (Tuesday morning to Thursday afternoon) allows the priests to continue their pastoral work in their parishes or dioceses, thanks to the operational intertwining of the courses, which are divided into several areas (in the anthropological, moral, pastoral and social fields, with special reference to the Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex). The program also includes testimonies, workshops, cultural programs and sharing the Eucharist, "the center and source of this unity of vocations that animates all of the Church's action."


At the end of the course, a certificate of attendance will be issued.


A. COURSES (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays)



Person and Family Relationships - S. KAMPOWSKI

Biblical Theology of Marriage and the Family - L. PEDROLI

Human Love in the Divine Plan - G. MARENGO

The Sacraments of Marriage and Order - A. DIRIART

Family and Faith - P. SEQUERI



Sexuality and Sacrament of Penance - L. MELINA

The Value of Life in the Family - M.L. PIETRO'S

Family Spirituality - P. KWIATKOWSKI

Celibacy and Marriage: The Vocation to Love - J. NORIEGA



Pastoral Care of the Family in the Parish and the Diocese - J.J. PEREZ-SOBA

Family, Liturgy, and Christian Initiation - J. GRANADOS

Education in the Family - O. GOTIA



Fecundity, Fertility, and Family Life - M. BARBATO

Family, Generator of Society - M.A. FERRARI

Mitis Iudex and Other Canonical Questions - F. CATOZZELLA


B. TESTIMONIALS (Wednesday afternoon)


Fecundity in infertility, family in mission, adoption and fostering, itineraries of faith for separate and divorced persons with a new union, work and family, the priest and gospel, painful passages, the challenge of education, intergenerational relationships, the fruitfulness of the Natural Methods, post-abortion pastoral care, suffering and hope, spouses and saints, family counseling, diocesan office of family ministry...


C. CULTURAL ACTIVITIES (Tuesday afternoon)


A thematic visit to the Vatican Museums “A body for glory”, places of faith in Rome (catacombs, basilicas, streets of the saints, Redemptoris Mater chapel), Cineforum “cinema and family” ...




1 - Registration takes place from 1 June 2017 to 30 September 2017.

2 - Required Documents for registration:

• photocopy of the pre-registration form to be realized through the Institute's web site;

• registration request, on the form provided by the Secretariat (and downloadable online);

• photocopy of a valid identity document;

• photocopy of the diploma of upper secondary school studies (five years) or, for foreigners, a copy of the valid title for access to university in the country of origin;

• letter of presentation by the Ecclesiastical Superior for the priests, religious, and seminarians;

• card-size photographs.

• receipt for the tuition paid.


Bank transfer information:

   * Pontificio Istituto Giovanni Paolo II

   * Codice IBAN: IT22 X056 9603 2060 0000 4100 X40

   * Codice SWIFT (=BIC): POSOIT22


Attention! It is very important that you use the reference field to state clearly the motive/cause of the payment. Please specify always your SURNAME, and the program for which you are enrolling (e.g., FERRUCCI, Course for Priests 2017)


3 – Non-Italian students, when registering, must submit:

• Certificate of knowledge of the Italian language, with a competency level sufficient for following the courses.

• Photocopy of the residence permit and indication of the address in Italy.



Registration period: 1 June 2017 - 30 September 2017


Dates of the Course of Permanent Formation in Pastoral Care of the Family:

3 October 2017 - November 23, 2017 (There will be no lessons during the week of the Solemnity of All Saints)


Course Hours: from 8:30 am to 12:45 am (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays).

Afternoon activities (from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm (Tuesdays and Wednesdays)



Pontifical John Paul II Institute

Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano 4

00120 Vatican City


24 July 2017