Gregorian University

50 Years Since Humanae Vitae

A series of public lessons to reflect on relationships, biotechnology and life control

“The Journey of the Family, 50 Years Since Humanae Vitae” is the theme of a public lecture series organized conjointly by the Pontifical Gregorian University, the Faculty of Social Sciences, and the Department of Dogmatic Theology.

Today, it is interesting to reflect on Paul VI’s last Encyclical Letter, published on 25 July 1968, explains Emilia Palladino, Professor of Ethics of Women and Family at the Pontifical University, “because the times are similar, as harbingers of great changes. They are also linked to each other because we can say that one is, in part, clearly the outcome of the other.

However, —adds Palladino—we can also find strength in the teaching of Pope Francis, who looks at reality as the first element to reflect on in order to, then, go ahead and imagine other ecclesial, pastoral, theological, and doctrinal paths. In our view, this is an opportunity that cannot be missed.”

The lecture series will address topics such as the relationships of couples and families, biotechnology, life control, the Encyclical Humanae Vitae, and the Exhortation Amoris Laetitia: “Two letters that speak to one another, because both speak of the family and, above all, both speak of couples.”

26 October 2017