Associations and Movements

Couples Announcing the Beauty of Baptism and Marriage

The meeting of Undersecretary Ghisoni with the participants in the Schools of Charity and Mission of the Emmanuel Community

A few days ago, in the Roman church of Trinità dei Monti, the Undersecretary Linda Ghisoni met a group of young couples from France who are participating in the Schools of Charity and Mission animated by the Emmanuel Community.

The pilgrimage to Rome concludes a year of meetings for prayer and fraternity, offers participants the necessary training to strengthen personal faith and the conscious commitment to be couples of missionaries, both in professional and family life, and in different ecclesial services.

During the encounter, after a brief presentation of the Dicastery’s work at the service of the Pope and the Universal Church, the couples were encouraged in their vocation as young spouses, and to announce, in the day-to-day realities in which they are inserted, the beauty of marriage and the called to live, in society, the consequences of baptism with consistency and commitment.

20 May 2018