Pope Francis

The Pontiff at the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life

The Holy Father’s Chirograph: “Do not be afraid, expand the horizons, and go out to listen to the reality of the people”

Today, Pope Francis visited the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life. Just a few days after the meeting with the Pontifical Foundation “Scholas Occurrentes,” Francis returned to Palazzo San Calisto to meet the members of the Dicastery that he founded in August 2016.

The staff was very enthusiastic, grateful and happy to welcome Francis. The last visit by a Pontiff was in June 1979, when Pope John Paul II came to the then Pontifical Council for the Laity.

When Francis arrived, towards 9:00 am, he wanted to meet everyone in the Dicastery’s aula magna where, after the greeting and welcome by the Prefect, Card. Kevin Farrell, he dedicated nearly an hour to speaking with the officials.

At the end of the day, Pope Francis stayed for a moment of conviviality and left a chirograph addressed to the Dicastery: “I thank the Prefect Cardinal and each of the members of the Dicastery for the charity manifested during this visit.

Do not be afraid, expand the horizons, and go out to listen to the reality of the people and to announce Jesus Christ. Please do not forget to pray for me. May Jesus bless you and the Holy Virgin take care of you.”

Papa Francesco in visita al Dicastero per il Laici, la Famiglia e la Vita
30 October 2017