
Giving the Best of Yourself - the Document

The Document on the Christian perspective on Sport and the Human Person
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“Sports is a meeting place where people of all levels and social conditions come together to reach a common aim. It is also a formative vehicle. Perhaps today more than ever, we must fix our gaze on the young, because the earlier the process of formation begins, the easier the person’s integral development through sports will be. Finally, I would like to emphasize the role of sports as a means for the mission and sanctification. Giving the best of yourself in sports is also a call to aspire to holiness.”

Pope Francis wrote this in the letter introducing the Document "Giving the best of oneself", on the Christian Perspective of sport and the human person, published by the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life. 

The Document, in five chapters, and currently available in Italian, English, French, Portugues, and Spanish, does not have - the promoters explain - "the ambition of understanding every aspect of variegated composition of sporting activity, but wants to offer a Christian perspective of sport, addressing those who practice it, those who attend it as a spectator, those who experience it as a technician, referee, coach, families, priests, and parishes."

01 June 2018