
The apostolate of the laity is primarily that of witness!

The fourth podcast of the series produced by the Dicastery addresses the theme of the lay apostolate



The Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life's Laityfamilylife podcast series continues with the fourth episode that is dedicated to an in-depth study on the theme “The Lay Apostolate”.

The apostolate as bearing witness

«The apostolate of the laity is primarily that of witness! The witness of one’s own experience and history, the witness of prayer, the witness of serving those in need, the witness of closeness to the poor and the forgotten, and the witness of welcome, above all on the part of families». These were Pope Francis’ words before the heads of pastoral care for the laity of the Bishops' Conferences of all the continents around the world in February 2023, during a meeting organized by the Dicastery.

The right key to understanding the theme of the co-responsibility of the laity in the Church

At the conference last February, the Pope also said: «It is in this perspective that we can properly approach the issue of shared responsibility on the part of laypersons in the Church.  The need to enhance the role of the laity is not based on some theological novelty, or due to the shortage of priests, much less a desire to make up for their neglect in the past. Rather, it is grounded in a correct vision of the Church, which is the People of God, of which the laity, together with the ordained ministers, are fully a part». So, the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life is called to awaken this consciousness of being People of God by virtue of Baptism, and it does so in various ways through its daily activities.

Online in Italian and English, you can find this fourth episode, which is one of six that can be listened to or replayed on the Dicastery website, the official Youtube channel as well as on Spotify.

The next two episodes will cover topics related to human life and Ecclesial movements.

30 October 2023