Papa Francesco

Pope Francis in Ponte di Nona: Simple answers to children’s great “whys”


“Why did you become Pope?”, “What was the most difficult moment of your life?”, “How does it feel to be the representative of the Catholic Church?” These are some of the questions that the children of the community of Santa Maria Josefa of the Heart of Jesus in Castelverde Lunghezza asked Pope Francis on Sunday, 19 February.
In the small suburban parish on the east side of Rome, Pope Francis revealed the “secrets” of the conclave, shared some details of his personal life, explained the role of the Bishop of Rome, and touched on some of the biggest mysteries of the Christian faith with a dialogic and enthralling catechesis.
“Why did you become Pope?” was the first question, addressed to him by Alessandro: “Some culprits did that,” he replied joking; and, pointing to the Cardinal Vicar Agostino Vallini, continued: “One of the culprits is sitting there!” Then, starting from the dynamics of the conclave and the details of the enclosure, the vote, and the quorum, Francis came to the heart of the matter: “Who is the most important person in the group that elects the Pope? Think about it!”. And, one child found the right answer (“God”), he said: “God, the Holy Spirit, who, through the vote, makes the Pope. Then, the one who is elected, although he might not be the most intelligent or the cleverest, or even the most expeditious in doing things; but he’s the one that God wants for this time of the Church. Did I get that right?”
Francis then spoke about his personal life, recalling how as a child he wanted to be a butcher, and that one of the most difficult moments in his youth was when, at twenty, he nearly died from an illness. And he immediately added a teaching that is valid for everyone: “There are difficulties in life, and there always will be; but don’t worry. Difficulties are overcome, and we advance with faith, with strength, with courage!”
After greeting the children, Pope Francis went to rooms where some patients and families with children born this year were waiting for him. The youngest especially once again captured his attention: to one he explained the different colors of the skullcaps worn by a Pope, a cardinal, and a bishop, while another gave him a drawing and a piece of candy.
A few minutes later, the Pope went on to the “headquarters” of the Caritas group. He said to its members: “Think about this. When a person comes asking for help, a lady or a man, whoever they may be, that person is Jesus. Because Jesus too had to ask for help when he was a refugee in Egypt.” Francis invited them not to differentiate between the good and the bad, between believers and non-believers: “I give this package to Jesus. And I give this smile to Jesus. This is your path of holiness. If you do this, you will become saints.”

22 February 2017
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