Associations and Movements

“Be a Reflection of God for Others”

Prefect Farrell’s homily addressed to the participants in the spiritual exercises of Comunione e Liberazione

"To be a reflection of Christ for others, to be a word of God for the world! We are all called to this! If Christ lives in us, then, everyone—even those who do not believe or are openly hostile to us—will receive great benefits, because each one is waiting for this ‘word of God’ for him or her. Now, you are this ‘word of God’!”

The Prefect Kevin Farrell addressed these words a few days ago in his homily to over 20,000 people who were participating in the spiritual exercises of the Fraternity of Comunione e Liberazione in Rimini.

“Ask—he continued—God the Father to revive in you those gifts of the Holy Spirit that enable you to recognize Christ’s presence even today, in midst of the challenges and in the particular circumstances that you are living, in the people you are with, in your family and at work. In the story of holiness that Providence is building with you, using also misery and infidelity. [...] And ask for the grace to resolutely resist sin and trust in God. It is sin that destroys our most precious treasure: the presence of Christ in us! May we not lose Him and, along with Him, all the benefits of the Christian life. Maintaining Christ’s presence in us, this is the greatest help we can give the world!”

“In his recent Apostolic Exhortation, Pope Francis has called us—Cardinal Farrell recalled—to holiness: ‘Allow the Spirit to forge in you the personal mystery that can reflect Jesus Christ in today’s world [...] May you come to realize what that word is, the message of Jesus that God wants to speak to the world by your life’ (Gaudete et Exsultate, nos. 23-24).”

03 May 2018