
“To women I say: Be yourselves!”


Interviewed by Rainews24  for the TV programme  “#Nonsolo8marzo” (Not only 8th March), Linda Ghisoni invites all young women to listen to themselves, to be themselves: “In each of us there is a gift that, if known, recognized and developed,  not only allows us to realize ourselves but makes the world a more beautiful place”.

Ms Ghisoni was one of three women invited to give a speech about the recent Meeting of the Presidents of the Ecclesial Conferences on the “Protection of Minors in the Church” and the Holy Father intervened after Ms. Ghisoni, saying that  “to invite a woman to talk about the wounds of the Church is inviting the Church to talk about herself, about the wounds she has. And this I believe is the step we must take with great determination[…] Without this style, we would be talking about the people of God but as an organisation, perhaps a trade union organisation, but not as a family born of our Mother Church”.

“The female style” – continued Linda Ghisoni in her interview – “that style to which Pope Francis is referring, encompasses the ability to reproduce, to safeguard and give birth to life, not to cast anything aside, to valorise fragility as well and valorise everyone’s gifts.”

Video can be viewed at Rainews.


09 March 2019