
75th anniversary of the International Young Catholic Students (IYCS-JECI)

Card. Farrell: the appeal for universal brotherhood for a peaceful, just and supportive world is urgent


On the 75th anniversary of the founding of International Young Catholic Students (IYCS-JECI), the Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, Card. Kevin Farrell, was invited to greet participants at the online celebration, Saturday, November 13, 2021.

The event, on the theme "75 years of formation, action and global solidarity of Young Catholic Students, to build a peaceful, just and supportive world", provided an opportunity for Card. Farrell to remind the young participants that "after 75 years, we find ourselves living in a world still very much torn by tensions and conflicts." Today, Card. Farrell continued, "it seems that everywhere there are opposing factions and sides fighting each other, in the world of culture, politics, social media, even in the Church. Everything seems to be polarized, it seems that everywhere there is a search not for encounter, but for confrontation in order to fuel tension and hatred towards opponents." In such a difficult world, it is therefore urgent to start afresh from young students who have the mission of committing themselves, forming themselves responsibly, for a peaceful, just and supportive world.

"It is urgent, therefore”, - concluded the Prefect – "the invitation to universal brotherhood that the Pope addressed to the whole world in his Encyclical 'Fratelli tutti'."

Information on the International Young Catholic Students at:

15 November 2021