International Catholic Conference of Guiding

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Conférence Internationale Catholique du Guidisme






International Catholic Conference of Guiding






ICCG was originally established by some 20 organisations belonging to the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. The first meetings of Catholic Guide leaders from different countries began in 1948, and were held every three years; in 1953 the Secretariat was established to guarantee contacts and exchanges between one meeting and the next. As the initiative developed, the idea emerged to set up a permanent structured organisation. In 1977, at the World Council in Rome, the ICCG adopted the Catholic Guides Charter which laid down the principles for its work. Previously recognised by the Holy See, the Pontifical Council for the Laity granted recognition to the Conférence Internationale Catholique du Guidisme as an International Association of the Faithful, by decree of 29 June 2009.



The ICCG brings together the national Catholic guides and girl scouts associations, national inter-denominational guiding organisations with a Catholic majority, and national groups of Catholic guides and girl scouts. Its purpose is to help the member organisations to transform guiding into a real instrument for education in the faith, and to publicise its educational value, activities and its experience with interdenominational/interfaith cooperation. The action of the CICG is also rooted in the fundamental principles of the Guide Movement as well as those set out in the Catholic Guiding Charter.



The organs of the CICG are the World Council, an executive body with decision-making functions, which meets every three years and is made up of the members of the World Committee, two leaders of each member association and their spiritual assistants; the World Committee, made up of the World Leader representing the Conference, the World Spiritual Assistant and the Regional Leaders; the Regional Teams, responsible for implementing the resolutions voted by the World Council and made up of the Regional Leader, the Regional Spiritual Assistant and the representatives of each member association.



The activities of the CICG involve more than two million Catholic guides. These activities are organised on a regional or worldwide level for the ongoing formation of women leaders to live the Gospel and the faith. A fundamental place among these activities is occupied by the Week of Communion, a week of the year offered to all the Catholic guides of the world to live a time of communion in prayer.



Week of Communion, guide with prayers and meditations for the week.

Infolettre, bulletin.





Conférence Internationale Catholique du Guidisme 

(cf. headoffice of Association des Guides du Liban)

Rue Adib Tohmé – Imm. Tohmé n°5- 1er étage

Antélias – El Metn – Liban

Tel : +961 3 872682

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