“Silenziosi Operai della Croce” Association
Silent Workers of the Cross
SODC was established as a core group of consecrated life within the Apostolate of the Suffering movement.
In 1950 it began to take shape informally under the guidance of the founder, Monsignor Luigi Novarese (1914-1984), together with Sister Elvira Myriam Psorulla (1910-2009).
In 1960 it was canonically recognised as a Pious Union in the diocese of Ariano Irpino-Lacedonia.
On 17 May 2001 the Pontifical Council for the Laity issued a decree recognising the Associazione Silenziosi Operai della Croce as an international association of the faithful.
The members of the SODC set out to imitate Christ who was called and sent by the Father to do his will to bring life and salvation to the world (cf. Heb 10: 5-8). Consecrating themselves to our Lord through Mary, they live their total self-giving through the practice of the Evangelical counsels. In the wide and varied world of suffering, the SODC members aim to share with others a path of growth and maturity in the faith, so that the light of Easter can enable all men and women to discover that they are called to find the meaning of their suffering and to proclaim the joy of salvation. This spirituality of communion with the crucified and risen Christ is expressed through holistic pastoral care for the integral development of those who suffer. Pastoral activity is carried out within the framework of the International Apostolate of the Suffering Confederation. It brings together diocesan associations of the Apostolate of the Suffering (CVS) and is directed by the Silent Workers of the Cross.
Membership of SODC is open to clergy and lay men and women, including people with disabilities. There is a male branch and a female branch, each led by its respective leader. The Association has two options: to live in community or individually in private homes. The Association is governed by a Council which is chaired by a Moderator who implements the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly.
Clerical members exercise their ministry for the purposes of the Association on the basis of agreements between their bishop of incardination and the SODC. Bishops who choose to live according to the spirit of the Association and to support its apostolate are considered to be associate members.
SODC members work in the field of social-rehabilitation and welfare in structures with different types of users. They run houses of spirituality and hospitality, and they provide dedicated pastoral care of inclusion and development for disabled people and those suffering in any way. In Italy, the Association runs a university training centre (Occupational Therapy) and is a provider of professional refresher courses accredited by the Ministry of Health.
SODC runs Edizioni CVS which produces publications relating to its apostolic activity. It has three periodicals: L'Ancora (in Italian) and Kotwica (in Polish) which provide monthly information and instruction; L'Ancora nell'Unità di Salute, a bimonthly magazine for scientific research and study.
Associazione Silenziosi Operai della Croce
Via di Monte del Gallo 105-111
00165 Roma
Tel. (+39) 06 39674243