Directório de Associações Internacionais de Fiéis
The Directory lists only the international associations of the faithful
and other ecclesial realities
formally recognized or erected by the Dicastery
Adsis Communities
OFFICIAL NAME Adsis Communities ALSO KNOWN AS Adsis ESTABLISHED 1964 HISTORY The Adsis Communities were founded in ...
Amigonian Cooperators
OFFICIAL NAME Amigonian Cooperators ACRONYM A.Cs ESTABLISHED 1992 HISTORY The Amigonian Cooperators was instituted by the ...
Canção Nova Community
OFFICIAL NAME Canção Nova ESTABLISHED 1978 HISTORY In 1975, Bishop Antônio Afonso de Miranda of the Diocese of Lorraine (São Paulo, ...
Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships
OFFICIAL NAME Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships ALSO KNOWN AS Catholic ...
Cenacolo Community
OFFICIAL NAME Comunità Cenacolo FOUNDATION 1983 HISTORY The Cenacolo Community was born on July 16, 1983, on the feast of ...
OFFICIAL NAME Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service ALSO KNOWN AS CHARIS ESTABLISHED 2018 HISTORY CHARIS was created ...
Christian Life Community
OFFICIAL NAME Christian Life Community (CLC) Comunidad de Vida Cristiana (CVX) Communauté de Vie Chrétienne ...
Christian Life Movement
OFFICIAL NAME Movimiento de Vida Cristiana ACRONYM CLM ALSO KNOWN AS Christian Life Movement ESTABLISHED 1985 HISTORY The ...
Claire Amitié
OFFICIAL NAME Claire Amitié ESTABLISHED 1946 HISTORY Claire Amitié was envisioned and founded in France by Thérèse Cornille (1917-1989). ...
Comunità Domenico Tardini Association
OFFICIAL NAME "Comunità Domenico Tardini" Association ESTABLISHED 1980 HISTORY The Association was founded on the principles ...
Consolation for the World Movement
OFFICIAL NAME Movimiento Consolación para el Mundo ACRONYM MCM ALSO KNOWN AS Consolation for the World ...
Couples for Christ
OFFICIAL NAME Couples for Christ ACRONYM CFC ESTABLISHED 1981 HISTORY Couples for Christ was established in Manila, Philippines in ...
Covenant of Love with the Sacred Heart of Jesus
OFFICIAL NAME Alianza de Amor con el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús ACRONYM AASCJ ALSO KNOWN AS Covenant of Love with the Sacred Heart of ...
Emmanuel Community
OFFICIAL NAME Communauté de l’Emmanuel ESTABLISHED 1972 HISTORY The Emmanuel Community was founded in Paris, France, by Pierre Goursat ...
Encounters of Married Couples
OFFICIAL NAME Encounters of Married Couples ALSO KNOWN AS Spotkania Małżeńskie ESTABLISHED 1978 HISTORY The movement was ...
Encounters of Youth Promotion Movement
OFFICIAL NAME Movimiento Encuentros de Promoción Juvenil AKRONYM EPJ ESTABLISHED 1968 HISTORY The Encounters of Youth Promotion ...
Family of Hope
OFFICIAL NAME Família da Esperança ALSO KNOWN AS Fazenda da Esperança ESTABLISHED 1983 HISTORY The Family of Hope was founded in ...
OFFICIAL NAME Fondacio ESTABLISHED 1974 HISTORY The association Fondacio finds its origins in Poitiers (France) in 1974, as a result of ...
Franciscans of Mary
OFFICIAL NAME Asociación privada de fieles Franciscanos de María ALSO KNOWN AS Franciscans of ...
Fraternity of Charles de Foucauld
OFFICIAL NAME Fraternity of Charles de Foucauld ACRONYM FCF ESTABLISHED 1991 HISTORY FCF was established at Bayonne, France, by a ...