Directório de Associações Internacionais de Fiéis


The Directory lists only the international associations of the faithful
and other ecclesial realities
formally recognized or erected by the Dicastery

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Lay Claretian Movement

OFFICIAL NAME Movimiento de Seglares Claretianos   ALSO KNOWN AS Lay Claretians   ESTABLISHED 1983   HISTORY The Lay Claretians are the ...  

Legion of Mary

OFFICIAL NAME Legion of Mary   ESTABLISHED 1921   HISTORY The Legion of Mary was founded in Dublin, Ireland, by a group of 15 people under ...  

Les Foyers de Charité

OFFICIAL NAME Les Foyers de Charité   FOUNDATION 1936   HISTORY The Foyers de Charité were founded on 10 February 1936, when Marthe Robin ...  

Life Ascending International

OFFICIAL NAME Life Ascending International   ACRONYM LAI   ESTABLISHED 1985   HISTORY The Life Ascending experience began in ...  

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Little Brethren of Mary Movement

OFFICIAL NAME Movimento dei Piccoli Fratelli di Maria   ALSO KNOWN AS Little Brethren of Mary   ESTABLISHED 1971   HISTORY The Little ...  

Living In Spirituality Movement

OFFICIAL NAME "Living In" Spirituality Movement   ESTABLISHED 1958   HISTORY The "Living In" Spirituality Movement was ...  

Marianist Lay Communities

OFFICIAL NAME Marianist Lay Communities   ACRONYM MLC   ESTABLISHED 1993   HISTORY The MLC have emerged from the Marian Congregations ...  

Memores Domini Lay Association

OFFICIAL NAME Memores Domini Lay Association   ALSO KNOWN AS Memores Domini or Adult Group   ESTABLISHED 1964   HISTORY The Memores ...  

Militants of Mary

OFFICIAL NAME Milicia de Santa María (rama femenina)   ALSO KNOWN AS    Militants of Mary     ESTABLISHED  ...  

Militia Christi

OFFICIAL NAME Militia Christi   ACRONYM MJC (Militia of Jesus Christ)   ESTABLISHED 1209   HISTORY MJC was founded in 1209, influenced ...  

Militia of the Immaculata

OFFICIAL NAME Milizia dell'Immacolata   ALSO KNOWN AS Militia of the Immaculata   ACRONYM MI (Militia ...  

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Missionary Community of Villaregia

OFFICIAL NAME Missionary Community of Villaregia    ACRONYM CMV   ESTABLISHED 1981   HISTORY CMV has its origins in February 1981, ...  

Missionary Contemplative Movement 'P. De Foucauld'

OFFICIAL NAME Contemplative Missionary Movement Charles De Foucauld   ALSO KNOWN AS The Movement is known by different names depending on where ...  

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Neocatechumenal Way

OFFICIAL NAME Cammino Neocatecumenale A diocesan way of implementing Christian initiation and ongoing education in the faith (Statutes, ...  

New Homes - Work of Christ

OFFICIAL NAME Hogares Nuevos – Obra de Cristo   ALSO KNOWN AS Hogares Nuevos   ESTABLISHED 1982   HISTORY Hogares Nuevos - Obra de ...  

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New Horizons

OFFICIAL NAME Nuovi Orizzonti   ALSO KNOWN AS New Horizons Community   ESTABLISHED 1993   HISTORY     In 1990 Chiara ...  

Pan-American Catholic Health Care Network

OFFICIAL NAME Pan-American Catholic Health Care Network   ACRONYM PACHCN   ESTABLISHED 2003   HISTORY The late John Cardinal ...  

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Pope John XXIII Community Association

OFFICIAL NAME "Pope John XXIII Community" Association   ACRONYM APG23   ALSO KNOWN AS Pope John XXIII ...  

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Prayer and Life Workshops

OFFICIAL NAME Talleres de Oración y Vida Una nueva evangelisatión   ACRONYM PLW   ALSO KNOWN AS Prayer and Life ...  

Pro Deo et Fratribus - Famiglia di Maria Association

OFFICIAL NAME “Pro Deo et Fratribus - Famiglia di Maria” Association   ACRONYM PDF-FM   ESTABLISHED 1968   HISTORY PDF-FM was founded ...