International Independent Christian Youth
JICI (Jeunesse Indépendente Chrétienne Internationale)
Independent Christian Youth was established in France in the 1930s by a number of young people from middle-class and aristocratic families. They were prompted by the teachings of Vatican II and the socio-economic situation in the 1960s to open up to the international dimension and to establish forms of cooperation with similar movements in Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland. In 1964, a meeting was held in Rome in order to take stock of the contacts that had been established with other countries and continents, and this provided an opportunity for the leaders of European movements to speak of their experience as associations to a number of the Vatican Council Fathers from Africa and Madagascar. The international conference that was convened the following year at San Sebastian in Spain was attended not only by European movements but also representatives of movements in America and Africa. Previously recognised by the Holy See, on 31 October 2008 the Pontifical Council for the Laity decreed the recognition of Jeunesse Indépendante Chrétienne Internationale as an international association of the faithful, in accordance with current canon law.
JICI brings together young people who are preparing to take up, or already hold office in, posts of responsibility in different spheres of public, social, economic, political and cultural life. The movement sets out to guarantee a constant linkage between faith and life, and to provide instruction for young people, opening them up to the international dimension, so that they can responsibly take on the mission entrusted by Christ to his disciples to proclaim the Good News which makes all people free, and to build up a more just world based on solidarity. The educational method used by the Association encourages "review of life" in the light of the Gospel as a means of helping its members to challenge their own lives and give a Christian sense to the whole of existence.
JICI is governed by a General Assembly which meets every four years, with an apostolic and administrative function, and made up of the delegates of all the member movements; the International Committee, elected by the General Assembly, with a President, Secretary, Treasurer, and International Ecclesiastical Assistant, with executive powers; and the General Secretariat.
La Ficelle, a quarterly newsletter in French, English and Spanish.
Jeunesse Indépendente Chrétienne Internationale
Mission Catholique Bamako
BP 298
Tel. [+223] 2222138