Movimiento Teresiano Apostólico
The Teresian Apostolic Movement has its origins in the spirituality and apostolate of Saint Enrique de Ossó. He lived in Spain in the 19th century, and he knew how to read the signs of the times. He grasped the importance of the laity in the life of the Church. He founded associations to help the faithful to live their baptismal commitments in their own environment according to the spirit of Saint Teresa of Jesus: the Archconfraternity of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate and Teresa of Jesus, in 1873; the Brotherhood of Saint Joseph for men and the Little Flock of the Child Jesus for children in 1876.
After the Second Vatican Council, the legacy of Enrique de Ossó gave rise to the foundation of the Teresian Apostolic Movement. It was officially founded as an association on 12 July 1977 with the approval of the statutes by the Pontifical Council for the Laity.
The Movement draws its identity from the teachings of Enrique de Ossó and Teresa of Jesus. It learns from them how to be in the world and in the Church, to read the Gospel, to relate personally to Jesus and to people, to look at reality and to respond to its great challenges. It follows the charism of the Society of Saint Teresa of Jesus.
Animated by this spirituality, the Movement aims to stimulate its members to know and love Christ. Essential means of faith formation are daily prayer, spiritual retreats and community prayer, participation in the liturgical life of the Church and especially the Eucharist, meditation on the Word of God, devotion to Mary as Mother and model of virtue, and reading the writings of St Teresa of Jesus.
The specific fields of apostolate of the members of the Movement are the family, professional, social and political life, education, the parish and charitable work.
The Movement is led by an intercontinental team formed, for a period of six years, by the coordinators of the continental teams, another member of the teams and a delegate of the Society of Saint Teresa of Jesus. The continental teams coordinate the work of the national teams. They are responsible for the organisation and animation of the communities of the Movement present in the country.
Members of the Movement are adults and young people over 18. Teenagers and children are instructed in the Christian faith and the charism and spirituality of the Movement. They are in the Friends of Jesus groups.
The youth and adults of the Movement are involved in giving instruction to the Friends of Jesus. In each country, the apostolate is carried out in the way that is best suited to the needs of the local community.
Movimiento Teresiano de Apostolado
Via Valcannuta, 134
00166 - Roma