Opera di Nàzaret
The Work of Nazareth was established in the early nineteen-sixties in the city of Reggio Emilia in Italy. A teacher from the Catholic University in Milan came to the town to teach Literature and Philosophy. His name was Giovanni Riva. His Christian faith was evident and unconcealed, and this attracted the interest of young people both at school and outside. Youth from different social backgrounds formed a group around him and called it “One Way”, a name that clearly expresses what had won them over. They were attracted by a concrete proposition that said that life must be centred on Jesus Christ if we are to be happy because “a person without Jesus is a lesser person”. “One Way” was the nucleus of what would become the Work of Nazareth in 1976. The initial group took various routes to take that original experience to different parts of the world, particularly in Asia, Europe and Latin America. In 1989, the Work of Nazareth was canonically erected as a public association of the faithful by the Cardinal Primate of Mexico City. In Rome on 15 August 1999, the Pontifical Council for the Laity decreed recognition of the Opera di Nàzaret as an international association of the faithful.
The Work of Nazareth wishes to be a joyful announcement: “We have found the one that Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph” (John 1:45). Its primary aim is that the face of Christ today should be seen by everyone in their daily lives at home, in society and at work, whatever their interests, profession or milieu. In keeping with these aims, and inspired by Jesus’ total love and communion on the cross, the Work of Nazareth chose as its symbol a pelican (pie pellicane Iesu Domine), and the image of Fra Angelico’s fresco “The Mocking of Christ” as its manifesto.
In the Work of Nazareth, individuals adhere directly to one global authority which is guaranteed by the Centre, a collegial governing body made up of eleven members (who choose the president from among them). The fundamental structure of the Work of Nazareth consists of regions. They are groups of nations in which local groups function at diocesan level. Each member is enrolled in a Region and thereby in a local group. The groups are responsible for catechesis and for transmitting central directives and they work with the local Christian community. A specific level of faith formation is provided for people who are committed to the spirit of the Work of Nazareth and, through their state of life and profession, embrace the evangelical counsels in the “Spiritus Creator” association.
Over the years, charitable works have been developed to help the needy, work for justice and strive for an agape economy. It is on the initiative of individuals that there are now charitable foundations, social aid initiatives, local and international voluntary work, schools of all levels up to university, and cultural and publishing activities. Activities directly linked to the Work of Nazareth include “The Great Company” which is an association of educators, “The Others”, an association of university students, and the “Domus” which is a young people’s residence.
Compagnia, a newsletter.
Opera di Nàzaret
Via Labicana, 45
00184 Roma (Italy)
Telephone and fax: [+ 39] 06 47824763