“Seguimi” Lay Group of Human-Christian Promotion
“Follow Me”
The pre-foundational phase of “Follow Me” dates back to the early 1960s, where the group developed in two cities: Modena and Rome. In Modena, a large group of young people and adults wanted to live a radical Christianity in dialogue with the style and needs of modern times. In Rome, after Paola Majocchi (1931-2009), founder and first President, met with Father Anastasio Gutiérrez (1911-1998), a Claretian and jurist, the idea of a new lay association took shape, in tune with the thinking of the Second Vatican Council. In 1965 Monsignor Abele Conigli, Bishop of Sansepolcro (Arezzo), granted canonical approval to “Follow Me” as a Pious Union. Faithful to its structure and charism, “Follow Me” slowly continued deepening its identity, a process which required five modifications to their original statutes, amidst the simultaneous preservation of its institutional heritage. From 1967 it began to develop in other Italian dioceses and gradually spread throughout the world. On March 19, 1984, the Pontifical Council for the Laity decreed the recognition of the Lay Association “Follow Me” as an international association of the faithful.
“Follow Me” is a lay association based on the following of Christ and the centrality of the person, according to a lay lifestyle that values interpersonal relationships. It aims at the human and Christian happiness of each person. The members of “Follow Me” are committed to putting their skills to good use, assuming the responsibilities that come with baptism, desiring that Christ be and actually making Christ the heart of the world, fighting injustice, trusting in humanity, valuing the originality of the person, rediscovering the divine DNA in every reality, combining science and faith, respecting nature and living with love and solidarity towards all. Human happiness praises God and incentivises cooperation with Him. The life of communion is the fundamental characteristic of “Follow Me”. The strength of union with Christ leads its members to trust in the capacities of all people to improve themselves, to be faithful, and to make a personal commitment lived with a sense of solidarity and responsibility. In order to pursue these objectives, pride of place is given to a life of faith, expressed also in personal and community prayer, mature interpersonal relationships in Christ, a lay Christian presence in all professional and social sectors, formation in responsible freedom and collaboration in works focused on the promotion of human dignity. The life of “Follow Me” members has a secular character. Members live in the world with an optimistic view of the human condition, aware that the person grows in humanity in coming closer to Christ. The only bond desired in “Follow Me”, which is “fidelity to Christ and to man”, becomes thus both a commitment and responsibility.
“Follow Me” is open to all vocations, and membership is articulated in the following ways: committed members, who live celibacy organized in male and female communities; committed spouses; affiliated members who live celibacy individually; associate members, individuals and families; volunteers, who share the spirit of the association and cooperate in its activities. Without prejudice to its lay character, “Follow Me” also admits priests, some of whom have the function of providing doctrinal and ecclesial direction to the association, as well as providing formation for its lay members, as understood by the Second Vatican Council. Fidelity to the Gospel and to the evangelical counsels is based on a personal commitment, which does not include vows, but rather the conscious and radical choice of Christ, matured in the concrete realities of daily life. In the climate of self-responsibility and promotion of the person that is characteristic of “Follow Me”, authority plays a subsidiary and coordinating role. It is the guarantor of unity and statutory organicity for the common good, at the service of people and their initiatives. The Central Council encourages and appraises personal initiatives, welcoming and unifying them in a more universal vision. This Central Council is assisted by the Superior Council of Statutory Guarantees, the Council for Economic Affairs and the Council for Education and Culture.
Out of a sense of mutual collaboration and the desire to respond to the needs of the world, “Follow Me” has created centres and specific initiatives for the family, for life, for children, adolescents, young people and adults, for an alternative economy, for solidarity tourism and for international cooperation. The activities of “Follow Me”, which can be individual, associated or collective, reach the most diverse areas and, over the years, have seen the birth, among other things, of a centre for the elderly, a farm and craft workshops, has organized exhibitions and fairs for fundraising, work camps, training in volunteerism and globalisation, have created long-distance adoption groups, schools for parents, for the education of sexuality and responsible procreation, has given support to families and children in difficulty, assistance in refugee camps, support in the fields of health, nutrition and mothers in childbirth and promoted agricultural development projects.
SI VIS, quarterly journal; Seguimi News, bi-annual journal.
A. GUTIÉRREZ, Cristiani senza sconto, Roma 2001.
P. MAJOCCHI, In cordata, Padova 2005.
R. MAZZIERI (a cura di), Laici cristiani, testimoni di speranza, Padova 2008.
“Seguimi” Gruppo Laico di Promozione Umano-Cristiana
Via Clemente III, 29
00167 Roma
Tel. [+39] 06.6277806