Unione dell’Apostolato Cattolico
Union of Catholic Apostolate
UAC was founded by Saint Vincent Pallotti (1795-1850), a Roman priest. After celebrating Mass on January 9th, 1835, he was inspired by the Lord to establish "a Pious Union to remain perpetually in the Church of Jesus Christ like an evangelical trumpet, summoning all, awakening the zeal and the charity of all the faithful of whatever state, degree or condition, so that all people, at all times, may cooperate in the enhancement, defence and propagation of charity and the Catholic faith". That same year, UAC received "every blessing" from the then Cardinal Vicar, Carlo Odescalchi and "a thousand blessings" from Pope Gregory XVI. On October 28th, 2003, the Pontifical Council for the Laity recognised the Unione dell’Apostolato Cattolico as an international association of the faithful.
UAC is a communion of the faithful which fosters in all baptised Christians the awareness of their apostolic calling and co-responsibility. The life of the association, whose fundamental objectives are set out in the General Statutes and are further elaborated by the General Coordination Council, are designed to instruct the faithful in every state of life, respecting each vocation, to live the charisms according to the mystery of the Church as communion, and to guide them in apostolic cooperation. In the Union, the multiple forms of personal vocation and the diversity of life styles, of commitment and of service are united by the founding charism, by a common spirit and mission, and by the communion of its members. Following the example of the Founder, the members – as individuals or as belonging to Pallottine religious, secular or lay communities – set out to enter into the dynamism of the infinite and merciful love of the Trinity. In this way they discover and live out the image and likeness of infinite Charity, with which each person is marked at the beginning of creation, enabling all baptised Christians to give that love which renews all things. The means used are those of every age: meditation on Holy Scripture, the Eucharistic celebration, prayer, sharing the faith, reconciliation and following Christ by accepting the Cross in every situation of life. The members venerate Mary, Queen of Apostles, as their patroness, an exemplary model of the spiritual life and of apostolic zeal.
The governing bodies of UAC are as follows. The General Coordination Council, is made up of the ex officio members and elected members (who together elect the President from their number), and is responsible for guaranteeing the internal unity of the Union, enhancing its apostolic effectiveness and recognising the national structures. The National Coordination Councils have authority over the territory of the corresponding Bishops’ Conference, encourage opportunities for instruction in favour of the various parts of the Union, and formally admit members and manage financial resources. The Local Coordination Councils’ purpose is to unite the members to perform the mission of the Union, to be cenacles receptive to the signs of the times, to attend to formation and to help the local Church, the General Secretariat, the General Assembly and the General Congress. The Ecclesiastical Assistant of the Union is the Rector General of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate. People may join UAC as individual members, or by joining one of the Communities of the Union whose members automatically become members of the Union.
UAC manages spiritual, academic, cultural, pastoral, health-care, educational, social and charitable works. They are an expression of the apostolic activity of the Communities per se or they involve collaboration and co-responsibility of the components of the Union.
“Apostles for Today”, a meditation published each month online; periodical publications at the national level.
Unione dell’Apostolato Cattolico
Piazza San Vincenzo Pallotti, 204
00186 Roma
Tel. [+39]06.68194623