Local Churches

Celam: The Pan-American Network for the Right to Life is Born


A Pan-American Network for the right to life has been created. The announcement was made by the Latin American Episcopal Council (Celam), through the Department of Life, Family and Youth, with a Declaration. The full text is available in the annex below.

This brief document starts by referring to the recent Letter of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith “Placuit Deo,” which denounces a contemporary culture based on neo-Pelagian individualism and neo-Gnosticism that disregard the body, nature, and history.

“With growing concern we note, on our continent, an agenda of ideological minorities, supported by economic and political power centers, which as a whole is fracturing the human person.” There are “frequent changes in the legislation, public policies, and legal protection that normalize behavior and laws contrary to life, the family’s freedom, and the right to conscientious objection.” Therefore, “recognizing that we are witnesses of this historical moment, the Latin American and Caribbean Church, in its pastoral responsibility for the fundamental good of life, cannot remain indifferent and insensitive in the face of this harsh reality,” as Pope Francis recalled in his homily on September 8th, in Bogota.


17 May 2018