
“A synodal work, guided by the Holy Spirit, at the service of Church and society”

The Secretary, Fr. Awi Mello, meets with the coordinators of the National Services of Communion
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“Promoting, fostering and strengthening communion and unity among all the realities of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in each country." With this encouragement Fr. Alexandre Awi Mello, Secretary of our Dicastery, addressed the coordinators of the various CHARIS National Services of Communion at a recent meeting organized for the Continental Service of Communion - Europe, the first to be established after the creation of CHARIS

Firstly, P. Awi Mello recalled the threefold mandate that CHARIS received from the Pope: “share the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with everyone in the Church”, “work for the unity of Christians” and “uphold human promotion in serving those who are most in need”, hopeful that in subsequent meetings among the coordinators, after this first meeting which focused on the first term, it will be possible to address the challenges specific to the second and third terms, “sometimes less present in different charismatic realities around the world”.

In order for CHARIS to fulfill the threefold mandate, he continued, “it must be capable of generating communion among all the realities of the 'current of grace' of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Therefore, a CHARIS National Service of Communion (CNSC) has been formed in each country, in which all the realities of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the country are represented, according to a dynamic of inclusion."

Walking together, listening, dialoguing, discerning together

So, if "promoting communion is precisely what CHARIS and the NSCs want to accomplish, 'how' can this be done? By walking together, listening, dialoguing, discerning together," "in the light of the Holy Spirit," who is "the true agent of synodality."

The CHARIS (and NSC) approach, explained the Secretary, "can be nothing but synodal," according to "a method of ecclesial listening and discernment that the Synod wishes to propose to the Church." In this sense, he reported, "Pope Francis hopes that the Catholic Charismatic Renewal will promote a renewal in the Church and society, as well as always being in the forefront of evangelization especially of young people."

"The ongoing goal for the realities of this 'current of grace' - added Fr. Awi Mello -  is the ever-increasing growth in ecclesial maturity, aware of their own dignity, identity and mission. This maturity essentially entails a 'lived synodality,' a synodal spirituality, a style of synodal work that should be the 'trademark' of CNSC and CHARIS International". This is what -  he concluded, addressing those present -  I wish for you all at this meeting: true synodal work, guided by the Holy Spirit, at the service of the Church and society”.

30 September 2022