International Association of "Caterinati"
The International Association of followers of Saint Catherine of Siena was founded in Siena by Archbishop Mario Ismaele Castellano OP on the same day that Pope Paul VI proclaimed St Catherine of Siena a Doctor of the Church. It is the continuation of the Company or Confraternity of Saint Catherine in Fontebranda, which was founded in Siena in 1462, and in reference also to the spiritual Family of the Saint, whose members had been known since the 15th century as "Caterinati". On 15 August 1992, the Pontifical Council for the Laity officially recognised the International Association of "Caterinati" as an international association of the faithful.
The Association aspires to invite all Christians to a greater deepening of their spiritual life and growth in the love of Christ, of the Church and of the Pope, in accordance with the teachings of St. Catherine of Siena; to propagate the richness of Catholic mysticism; to deepen and to realize the concept of the "Mystical apostolate", according to John Paul II’s definition of Saint Catherine; to contribute to the rebuilding of the spiritual unity of Europe in order to bring Europe back to its Christian roots, and to enhance the dignity and responsibility of Christian women in the Church and in civil society. The Association is committed to disseminating the Works of Saint Catherine and research on her, in order to highlight the influence she had on the life of the Church and the Papacy in her age. It also organises liturgical prayer meetings animated by Catherinian spirituality, as well as cultural events (lectures, readings, conferences). It is also committed to performing individual acts of charity for the benefit of the poor and the disabled.
The Association is governed by the General Council, chaired by the Prior General and the Executive Board, also chaired by the Prior General, comprising the Ecclesiastical Assistant, the Prior of the Dominican Fathers of Siena, two members representing the Italian Caterinati groups, and a number of Caterinati living in Siena. The President of the Association is the Archbishop of Siena pro tempore.
Quaderni Cateriniani, published three times a year.
Associazione Internazionale dei Caterinati
Santuario Casa di Santa Caterina da Siena
Via del Tiratoio, 8 - 53100 Siena - Italy