Local Churches

The opinion of the Greek-Catholic Bishop, Claudiu Pop after the referendum on marriage


“The result aside, we should also reflect on the fact that an apparent failure can be full of hope”: were the word of the Greek-Catholic Bishop, Claudiu Pop, vicar of the Cardinal of Blaj  following failure to reach a quorum for the referendum on the family and homosexual “marriages” in Romania.

“First and foremost we consider the cooperation among the various churches in Romania as providential – and new.  We were united by a common goal and this must also make us reflect for the future on the possibility of  ecumenism to face up to common challenges, one that doesn’t only happen on occasions like these, in international events or to have a good photo taken but a true, brotherly encounter which goes beyond immediate interests.  We have shown that it can be done.  I hope – he continued – that the leaders of the Orthodox,  Roman Catholic and Greek Catholic churches will understand that when we are faced with challenges, we must overcome small differences, also historical and real ones because going beyond them is not only a possibility but a necessity for all of us.”

“This apparent failure of the referendum – concluded the Bishop – has taught us that we must talk more about the family:  we have discovered a worrying void in discussions, interviews, in the faithful and often we don’t know what we are talking about. The challenge for all the churches is to renew the Christian message and explain to people the beauty and  truth in marriage”.


13 October 2018