
Projects, pilgrimages, workshops, and TV series: the initiatives of the Archdiocese of Toledo for families

“To offer help in deepening the call to holiness in family life.” This idea is the source of the proposals made by the delegation of Family and Life of the Archdiocese of Toledo, which repeats its ...

The Instrumentum Laboris of the 5th American Missionary Congress has been published—from the crisis to the urgency of saving the family

“America in Mission, the Gospel is Joy” is the catchphrase of the document “The joy of the Gospel: heart of the prophetic mission, source of reconciliation and communion,” the Instrumentum Laboris ...

In his speech for the inauguration of the Judicial Year of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, Pope Francis indicated the “remedies available” for dealing with the worrying situation marked by the gradual increase, even today, of the number of invalid marriages.

Partendo da un testo di San Giovanni Paolo II (Fides et Ratio), che ribadiva il legame tra la conoscenza di fede e quella della ragione – per cui “quanto più ci si allontana dalla prospettiva di fede, ...

A course on sex education will be given at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute from 13 to 17 February

“The Splendor and ambiguity of Sexuality. Is educating possible?” This is the central question that will be developed in the course promoted by the Pontifical John Paul II Institute, from 13 to 17 ...

In the Pope’s diocese a series of formative meetings for pastoral agents are being held on the content of “Amoris Laetitia” A course of formation for pastoral workers is beginning these days at the ...

Pope Francis to all Bishops

Let us not allow children to be deprived of joy! said Pope Francis, speaking personally to all the world’s Bishops on the day when the Church commemorates the Holy Innocents, the children, ...