Father Alexandre Awi spoke on 8 July at the meeting “Jesus lives! Let us walk together, building hope”.
On 8 July last, Father Alexandre Awi, secretary of our Dicastery, spoke at a meeting of lay people in Buenos Aires that was organised by the department of the laity of the Argentinian Bishops’ ...
"Christus vivit"
Fr. Alexandre Awi speaks about youth ministry in a vocational key at the VI National Congress for Vocational Pastoral Ministry in Bogota, Colombia
For the sixth consecutive year, the Colombian Episcopal Conference has organized in Bogota, Colombia, the National Congress of Vocational Pastoral Ministry. The Congress entitled "Youth, Faith ...
A Church going forth, towards a synodal, people-oriented and missionary youth care pastoral
The emotion in Father Alexandre Awi Mello’s voice was noticeable as he closed the works of the XI International Youth Forum dedicated to the Synod and the Apostolic Exhortation Christus vivit. “Your ...
The Ripe Fruit of the Youth Synod
A message for all young people in the world, inspired "by the wealth of reflections and conversations that emerged from last year’s Synod”, that refers to all young people without distinction, ...
The heads of the Dicastery at the inaugural event for the new body at the service of the current o grace of Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Yesterday, Cardinal Kevin Farrell gave a strong encouragement to welcome the novelty of Charis with joy. He was addressing the 1st Conference organized by the new Single International Service for ...
Young People
Video interview with the Secretary of the Dicastery on the eve of the Panama gathering. Expectations and interrelationship with the Synod on Young People and the next international Forum in June
Just before leaving for Panama, Father Alexandre Awi Mello answers some questions on the encounter of the young people attending the WYD with the people and the Church of Central America. ...
Prefect Farrell’s Christmas Greetings
“Are our hearts open wide enough to welcome the words of Christ in our lives?”. This is what our Prefect, Kevin Farrell asks us all in his video greetings message for Christmas 2018. “The ...
Our Secretary, Father Awi spoke to TV 2000 about the volume “She is My Mother” born from the dialogue with Pope Francis
From the first moments in Lujàn, in the Marian sanctuaries, with the people, to the encounters that untangle the knots, in Aparecida, to the encounters in the form of prayer: it is the ...
The Secretary, Awi Mello interviewed by “Vida e Família”, the CNBB magazine
The World Meeting of Families last Summer in Dublin and the great but compelling challenges to be faced in the light of Amoris Laetitia, but above all the new, imminent World Youth Day in Panama. The ...
Young People
For the past few days, Father Alexandre Awi Mello, Secretary of our Dicastery, was in Panama along with Father João Chagas, Head of the Youth Office, joining in the preparations for World Youth Day to ...