World Days for Grandparents and the Elderly


Since 2021, the Day has been celebrated throughout the Church every fourth Sunday of July, around the liturgical commemoration of Saints Joachim and Anne, Jesus' "grandparents."

The Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life supports and promotes this celebration and invites people to experience the event -in every diocese, parish and church reality - by carrying out two significant actions: the celebration of a solemn liturgy together with grandparents and the elderly, and visits to the lonely elderly in one's own community.

Celebrating the Day aims at emphasizing the need for pastoral care of the elderly and countering the throw-away culture so that they acquire importance and become of ordinary concern in the life of every church community.

There are resources and material available on the Dicastery's website to celebrate the day.



III World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

On Sunday, 23 July 2023, the III World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly will be celebrated throughout the universal Church


Second World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

On Sunday, July 24, 2022, the Second World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly will be celebrated throughout the universal Church.

The theme chosen by the Holy Father for the occasion is "In old age they will still bear fruit" (Psalm 92:15) Read all >


World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Every year on the fourth Sunday of July

“This is the first fruit of the Amoris Laetitia Family Year, a gift to the whole Church that is destined to continue into the future..." Read all >