Members and Consultors

The Dicastery has its own members, including lay faithful, men and women, single and married, engaged in different fields of activity and from different parts of the world, thus reflecting the universal character of the Church. It has also its own Consultors.




Card. Fabio Baggio, C. S.

Undersecretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development

Card. William Seng Chye Goh

Archbishop of Singapore (Singapore)

Card. José Cobo Cano

Archbishop of Madrid (Spain)

Card. Víctor Manuel Fernández

Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith

Card. Wilton Daniel Gregory

Archbishop of Washington (United States of America)


CardGérald Cyprien Lacroix

Archbishop of Québec (Canada)


Card. Robert Walter McElroy

Bishop of San Diego (United States of America)

Card. Peter Ebere Okpaleke

Bishop of Ekwulobia (Nigeria)



Card. Baltazar Enrique Porras Cardozo

Archbishop of Caracas (Venezuela)

Card. Álvaro Leonel Ramazzini Imeri

Bishop of Huehuetenango (Guatemala) 


Card. Jean Zerbo

Archbishop of Bamako (Mali)


Bishop Josep Ángel Saiz Meneses

Archbishop of Sevilla (Spain)


Rev. Andrea D'Auria, F.S.C.B.

Director of International Center at Communion and Liberation


Rev. Luis Felipe Navarro Marfá 

Magnificent Rector of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross


Piotr and Aleksandra Brzemia Bonarek

Lecturers in Krakow, respectively in biology at the Jagiellonian University and in Canon Law at the Pontifical John Paul II University (Poland)


Benoît and Véronique Rabourdin

International leaders of Love and Truth of Communauté de l’Emmanuel 

Joseph Teyu Chou and Clare Jiayann Yeh

Respectively, professor at the Department of Public Finance of National Chengchi University in Taipei (Taiwan) and Founder and Director of Marriage and Family Pastoral Center of the Chinese Regional Bishops' Conference 

Helen M. Alvaré

Lecturer in Law at the Scalia Law School of the George Mason University School of Law (United States of America)



Robert Cheaib (Lebanon)

Professor of Theology, Catholic University of Lyon (France)


Ana María Celis Brunet

President of the National Council for the Prevention of abuse and accompaniment of victims of the Episcopal Conference of Cile

Moysés Louro de Azevedo Filho

Founder and moderator general of the Shalom Catholic Community (Brazil)


Maria Luisa Di Pietro

Director of the Centre for Research and Studies on Procreative Health at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome (Italy)

Marco Impagliazzo

President of the Sant’Egidio Community (Italy)


Margaret Karram

President of the Focolare Movement - Work of Mary

Laurent Landete

General Director at the Collège des Bernardins (France)

Carmen Peña García

Ordinary Professor of the Faculty of Canon Law, Comillas Pontifical University (Spain)





Rev. Fabio Attard, S.D.B. (Malta)

Member of the General Council of the Salesians, with responsibility for youth pastoral ministry 

Rev. Amedeo Cencini, F.d.C.C. (Italy)

Psychologist and psychotherapist

Rev. Justin Glyn, S.I.

General Counsel for the Australian Province of the Society of Jesus


Rev. Simone Renna 

Under-Secretary of the Dicastery for the Clergy 


Rev. Ulrich Rhode, S.I. (Federal Republic of Germany)

Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law of the Pontifical Gregorian University


Rev. Humberto Miguel Yáñez, S.I. (Argentina)

Professor at the Faculty of Moral Theology of the Pontifical Gregorian University (Rome)

Rev. Dario Vitali (Italy)

Professor of Theology, Pontifical Gregorian University


Rev. Mary Niluka Perera, R.B.P.

Coordinator of the Catholic Care for Children International project, UISG


Emilio Inzaurraga and Claudia Alejandra Carbajal

Respectively, Coordinator of the American Promotion Team for the International Forum Cathlic Action - FIAC, and Lecturer in Educational Sciences at the Catholic University of Argentina 

Emmanuel and Marie Gabrielle Ménager

Founders of the Theology of the Body European Center (France)


Ryan and Mary-Rose Verret 

Co-Founders of Witness to Love 

María Ascensión Romero Antón

Member of the Managing Team of the Neocatechumenal Way (Spain)


Maria Luisa Ceriotti (Italy)

Child neuropsychiatrist and psychotherapist

Julia M. Dezelski

Assistant Director for Marriage and Family Life Ministry in the Committee for Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

Chiara Griffini 

Member of the Presidential Council of the National Service for the Protection of minors and vulnerable persons of the Italian Episcopal Conference

Malcom Hart

Director of the National Centre for Evangelisation at Australian Episcopal Conference (Australia)