
Dicastery Activities
Values, Processes and Mission for Strategic Planning in a Synodal Context

“We are really trying to become a Synodal Church as Pope Francis has requested. We are going through the experience of looking together at the service we are providing the Church by means of our ...

Prefect Farrell presided over a mass in memory of the Founder of the Apostolic Movement, Father Josef Kentenich

The Roman Schoenstatt family gathered together on 13th November last at the Church of Santa Maria dell’Anima to celebrate the end of the Kentenich Year with a solemn mass.  The celebration was ...

The statements of our Secretary, Alexandre Awi Mello and Father João Chagas on the Synod in progress

Kevin Farrell, Prefect,  Alexandre Awi Mello, Secretary and Father Joao Chagas from the Youth Office of the Dicastery are all attending the Synod of Young People on the matter of “Young People, ...

Pope Francis
In a volume published by “Città Nuova”, the Pope talks to the Secretary of our Dicastery, Father Awi Mello

“She is My Mother” will be in the bookshops tomorrow and is the fruit of a conversation between Pope Francis and Alexandre Awi Mello, Secretary of our Dicastery. “This book – affirmed the Pope – has ...

Fr. Awi Mello: “We need to train laity for the urgent needs of our time, and for the needs of a Church that looks outwards towards society, the specific environment of the laity”

Three international associations led the concluding panel discussion on day three of the International Symposium: “Promotion and Formation of the Laity: best practices”, organised by the Dicastery for ...

Ad Limina Visit
On 6 September, the Dicastery’s Secretary, Father Alexandre Awi Mello, and some officials received a small delegation from the Episcopal Conference of Sudan on the occasion of their ad limina visit to Rome

On 6 September, the Dicastery’s Secretary, Father Alexandre Awi Mello, and some officials received a small delegation from the Episcopal Conference of Sudan on the occasion of their ad limina visit to ...

Associations and movements
The movement “Encuentros de Promoción Juvenil” met in Arizona to celebrate its anniversary and renew its commitment

The Apostolic Exhortation “Gaudete et exsultate” was the theme on which the 16th US International Meeting of the movement “Encuentros de Promoción Juvenil”, which coincided with its 50th ...

Keeping the great event celebrated in Rio de Janeiro, in 2013, alive in the memory young people around the world, accompanying them step by step to the next in Panama

Since 2014, the Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro commemorates the anniversary of 2013 WYD celebrated in Rio, with the aim of encouraging the participation of young people in the next edition of WYD. This ...

Emmanuel Community passes the torch to the Shalom Catholic Community who will look after “San Lorenzo” Centre in the near future

On 27th June, Fr. Alexandre Awi Mello Secretary of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life presided the Solemn Mass closing the academic year in the International Youth Centre “San Lorenzo” in ...