Ad Limina Visits

Ad limina
The Ad limina visits of the bishops who came to the Dicastery in June

  In June, the Dicastery received bishops from Mexico and Southern Africa for their ad limina visits. Southern Africa: the priority is the formation of the laity The latter bishops' conference ...

Ad limina
Bishops from Ghana and Tanzania met with the Dicastery in May

  Ghana - laity, the wealth of society As for the Ghanaian prelates, they described a country in which the Catholic Church is best known for its contribution to socioeconomic development through ...

Ad limina
In May, the Dicastery met with the bishops of East Timor, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands

  East Timor – a flourishing Church East Timor (or Timor-Leste) is the second largest Catholic country in Asia, second only to the Philippines. The Church in East Timor is flourishing, and ...

Ad limina
In April and March Burundi and Mexico to visit the Dicastery

  In April and March, the Dicastery welcomed the bishops of Mexico and Burundi who came for their ad limina visit.   Burundi: an evangelization of "proximity" Burundi's prelates ...

Ad Limina
The beauty of a growing Church came to light during the meeting with African bishops

Last March 30, the Dicastery welcomed the bishops from Zambia in an ad limina visit. In Zambia there are 11 dioceses organized along the lines of the SCCs (Small Church Communities) to foster a ...