Ad Limina Visits

Local Churches
Malaysia Brunei and Singapore ad Limina visit

The ecclesial and social realities of Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei, gathered in a single regional episcopal conference, greatly differ from one another even if they do not lack common points. ...

The Ad Limina Visit of the Russian Bishops to the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life

A vast territory with few priests, “new Christians” who need formation, and great commitment in defense of life. This is, in short, the situation of the Catholic Church in Russia told about by the ...

The Ad Limina Visit of the Hungarian Bishops to the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life

The challenges are those of all European countries, especially of those that, in recent decades, have come out from behind the iron curtain and are faced with the transition from communism to ...

The Ad Limina Visit of the Bishops of a Latin American country that is facing a serious process of accelerated secularization

The challenges that the Uruguayan Church is called to face are not so different from those of most Western countries, but their influence on the society and its culture is so strong that Uruguay has ...

Formation for the new generations and the family is at the center of the pastoral care in the churches of this Latin American country

Young people are the key to fighting the social woes that are humiliating Paraguay. The Bishops of the Latin American country who, counting on them, have launched a three-year course of formation, are ...