The WYD in Panama, Pope Francis’s video message and his travel programme, the Dicastery activities – from strategic planning to the commitments of the Church Superiors in Italy and the world –, the ...
The Secretary, Awi Mello interviewed by “Vida e Família”, the CNBB magazine
The World Meeting of Families last Summer in Dublin and the great but compelling challenges to be faced in the light of Amoris Laetitia, but above all the new, imminent World Youth Day in Panama. The ...
Young People
The proposals of the French dioceses for all those who cannot be at the WYD in January
It’s a long way away. For many, the journey is too expensive. And for students January is a time of school exams. For these reasons, with the intention of allowing young French people to live the ...
After the Synod
In a Roman parish, the Synod Father, Monsignor Frisina recounted his experiences
“Accompany young people, walk beside them in their history, enter into their dynamics as Saint Giovanni Bosco preached”. It was in this way that Monsignor Marco Frisina, Synod Father and Choir ...
Pope Francis
Young people were the protagonists of Pope Francis’ s address a few days ago to the members of the Associazione Rondine-Cittadella della Pace whom he welcomed in an audience to celebrate the ...