200 days to WYD in Lisbon and the LOC visiting the Dicastery

In the week marking 200 days until World Youth Day Lisbon 2023, a delegation of the Local Organising Committee (LOC) met with the Dicastery of Laity, Family and Life, and with the Secretariat of State ...

Persons with disabilities
The third video on disability and the synod is dedicated to the magisterium of fragility

The special synod listening session dedicated to people with disabilities - in the words of Fr. Justin Glyn, s.i.  -was an opportunity to reflect on what the meaning of their presence within the ...

Benedict XVI
We are infinitely grateful for the High Magisterium of Benedict XVI, and for his precious testimony of faith and Christian life

On the occasion of the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life want to express their gratitude to the Lord for the gift of "this faithful servant of the ...