
Formation of the laity
For the success of “Sport for All” in 2022, an award to Santiago Perez de Camino

  The TAFISA Friend for Life award ceremony was held on Monday, 11 November, in the main hall of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life. In the presence of the Secretary, Dr. Gleison De ...

The IOC Appeal, joined by the Dicastery, is the first fruit of the "Sport for All" Summit

  One of the first fruits of the International Summit " “Sport for All. Cohesive, accessible and tailored to each person”, held in the Vatican on the 29 and 30th of September last, is an ...

Pope Francis closes the two-days Summit and participants sign the Declaration on Sport

  With the Audience that the Holy Father gave to the participants, the International Summit 'Sport for All', organised by the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life together with the Dicastery ...

The second day focused on the word “cohesive” and Thomas Bach and Mons. Gobilliard gave their speeches

  The second day of the "Summit: Sport for All" began in St. Peter's Basilica with the celebration of the Holy Mass presided by mons. Emmanuel Gobillard, bishop delegate for Paris 2024 ...

The first day of the International Summit on sport at the Vatican

  The Summit "Sport for All. Cohesive, Accessible and Tailored to each person" has just begun at the Vatican. The day started with a welcome message and a time of prayer, followed by an ...

Press Conference announced and Programme published today

  The Holy See Press Office has published the Programme and the Press Conference announcement for the presentation of "Sport for all. Cohesive, Accessible and Tailored to each ...

On September 29 and 30, 2022, an International Summit on Sport will be held at the Vatican in response to Pope Francis' call on the social, educational and spiritual importance of sport.

  On September 29 and 30, 2022, in the New Synod Hall at the Vatican, the International Summit "Sport for All: Cohesive, Accessible and Tailored to each Person" will be held, promoted ...

He has passed away at the age of 76. He was a close collaborator with the Dicastery

  On Wednesday, February 16, we learned of the death of our beloved Prof. Norbert Müller, a member of the former Pontifical Council for the Laity from 2008 to 2016 and a close collaborator with ...

The head of the Church and Sport office at the symposium on the future of sport organized at the International Olympic Academy

  From November 10 -14, a symposium entitled "Epos, Ethos, Paideia, Polis: rethinking the sport of the future together" took place in Olympia, Greece. At the headquarters of the ...

Acknowledgement of the Dicastery's work in promoting faith and values through sport

  On October 1st, the President of the Retina d'Oro, Mauro Rufini together with Sports Director, Giampiero Caneschi, presented the "Special 2021 Retina d'Oro Award" to the Dicastery for ...