The Elderly


The Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life is busy building “a Church that challenges the throw-away culture with the overflowing joy of a new embrace between young and old!” (Pope Francis, General Audience, March 11, 2015).

For this reason, it fosters and supports the promotion of a pastoral care of the elderly that knows how to enhance their peculiar vocation in the Church, starting from the transmission of the faith to the youngest, from the preservation of their roots and from what can be considered the elderly’s very true specific mission: interceding in prayer.

In 2020, the Dicastery sponsored the 1st International Congress on the Pastoral Care of the Elderly entitled "The Richness of Many Years of Life," the proceedings of which were published in an e-book downloadable for free from this website

Since 2021, the Dicastery has been promoting the celebration of World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly




The Richness of Many Years of Life
The first International Conference on the pastoral care of the elderly begins tomorrow

“The conference of the next few days is only the first step in a journey which we imagine will not be a short one; it shows that within the Church there is quite a great number of people who wish the ...

Interview with Prefect Card. Farrell on the Conference which will bring together 550 participants from 60 countries

In the Church, the elderly have at times been forgotten, or considered somewhat of a burden, even while “they should be co-protagonists, by virtue of their immense experience, thanks to their many ...

The message of the Holy Father to the National Association of Elderly Workers

“When the Pope speaks of the elderly, he speaks of the future and of their valuable role in the Church and in society. This affirms us in our choice to organize the first international conference on ...