Movimiento Consolación para el Mundo
Consolation for the World Movement
The MCM was founded to serve the mission of the Church. It is connected to the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation. It shares the charism of Consolation that the Spirit gave to the Church in the person of its foundress, Saint Maria Rosa Molas. In 1982, the General Government of the Congregation decided to establish a Youth Movement that would be linked to the Congregation. It would integrate those already existing in the various Provinces of the Institute while respecting the distinctive characteristics of each continent and country. In 1983 a preliminary project of what would be Consolation for the World was drawn up and the general plan of the COM was sent to the Provinces of America. Because of the rapid expansion of the Movement throughout the Institute, the General Chapter of 1987 asked the General Government to create a movement of lay adults inspired by the charism. The laity, in turn, asked for a structure, statutes and a programme of instruction. From the year 2000 onwards, the children's MIC group was recognised as part of the Movement. On 14 September 2009, the Pontifical Council for the Laity issued the decree of recognition of MCM as an international association of the faithful.
The members of the MCM embrace the Consolation charism and give life to it in their personal lives and circumstances by committing themselves to the Christian transformation of the society in which they live. They engage in apostolic action in their milieus, ranging from their closest circles and their families to the most distant. They try at all times and in all activities to be consolation for those around them, both in activities of their own initiative or in those organised by the MCM at the service of the Church and of those most in need. They also take part in works of the Institute or of other bodies. They take part in pastoral activities in parishes and in diocesan organisations where their presence is required or useful, and in the organisation and diffusion of the MCM.
The members of the MCM assist in retirement homes, hospitals, children's canteens, children's homes, etc., but they are not in charge of these facilities.
The MCM is governed by both one-person and corporate bodies.
It is headed by a General Coordinator, a lay person, who chairs and convenes the meetings of the Secretariat.
Other individual leaders are the Country Coordinators and the Local Coordinators, the Secretary and the Treasurer.
The corporate bodies are the Secretariat [General Coordinator, four lay people from the country where the Secretariat has its headquarters, Country Coordinators (the Secretary and the Treasurer are elected from among them) and the Sister appointed by the Superior General as General Advisor], the Country Coordinating Team and the Local Coordinating Team.
The MCM is structured in Stages that correspond to the age and degree of commitment of its members (Childhood Stage, Youth Stage, Adult Stage). Steps from one level or stage to the next are preceded by specific training activities to help members know more about the commitments of the new stage in the MCM and to freely accept them.
Revista Consolación, quarterly magazine.
Movimiento Consolación para el Mundo
Arenal de Maudes 1
28036 Madrid, Spain
Tel. [+34] 91 3454373