International Catholic Conference of Scouting
ICCS started out as the International Office of Catholic Scouts, which was created in 1920 at the first World Jamboree, by the French Jesuit Jacques Sevin (Scouts de France), Count Mario di Carpegna (Associazione Scout Cattolici Italiani) and Professor Jean Corbisier (Baden Powell Belgian Boy Scouts). The initiative was blessed by Benedict XV in July 1922 and a Statute was adopted by Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Chile, Ecuador, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Spain and Hungary. Between 1946 and 1947 the officials of the Catholic Scout Associations re-established contacts that had been broken off during the Second World War and decided to meet yearly. In June 1962 the Holy See approved the Statutes and Charter of the Association which was renamed the International Catholic Scouting Conference (ICSC), and later the International Catholic Conference of Scouting (ICCS). On 23 April 2008, the Pontifical Council for the Laity granted recognition of the International Catholic Conference of Scouting as an international association of the faithful. ICCS has consultative status on the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM).
The aims of the International Catholic Conference of Scouting (ICCS) are to: develop an educational process that enhances the personal spiritual dimension of young Catholics in line with the aims, principles and methods of the Scout movement; contribute to developing and deepening the spiritual dimension of Scouting, in accordance with the unity and diversity of the world Scout movement; promote the active participation of Catholic Scouts in the Church's mission, especially its commitment to peace and justice; facilitate communication between the Catholic Church and the world Scout movement; develop and promote a spirit of brotherhood and understanding between Catholic Scouts.
The supreme governing body of the ICCS is the World Council. It meets every three years attended by the officials of the member organisations. The World Council elects four members of the World Committee (the executive body of the ICCS) for a period of three years. These four members (ideally from different regions, generations), chose among themselves who fills the position of World Chairperson, World Vice-chairperson, World Treasurer and General Secretary. They serve along with four regional chairpersons and the World Chaplain.
Member organisations must be either Catholic Scout associations recognised by the Church, that are members of WOSM, or Catholic scout groups (Catholic Council, "Guild", or any other title) within a Scout association recognised by WOSM. Such groups must be recognised by their association and their national Church hierarchy.
In line with its stated aims, at supra-national level the ICCS focuses on: offering initiatives related to education and church life to Catholic Scouts; providing support to its members to educate Catholic Scouts about their faith; working with other WOSM organisations that share the aim of developing the spiritual dimension; intervening in pastoral issues concerning young people; promoting ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue; supporting education for peace and justice, and commitment through action; working with WOSM to improve understanding of Scouting and its development within the Catholic Church; taking appropriate initiatives to achieve its aims.
ICCS publishes a quarterly Circular Letter available on its website.
Conférence Internationale Catholique du Scoutisme
Piazza Pasquale Paoli, 18
00186 Roma - Italy
Tel. [+39] 06.6865270