Hogares Nuevos – Obra de Cristo
Hogares Nuevos
Hogares Nuevos - Obra de Cristo was established on 24 October 1982 in the city of Rufino in the province of Santa Fe, Argentina, on the initiative of Rev. Ricardo E. Facci, a priest of the Sacerdotes Misioneros de la Familia. The goal was to help respond to Pope John Paul II’s call in the post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio no. 86: “They must show the family special love”.
It was first recognised at the diocesan level with the decree of 8 January 1988 issued by Most Rev. Mario Picchi, S.D.B., then Bishop of Venado Tuerto.
On 24 October 2008, the Pontifical Council for the Laity issued the decree of recognition of Hogares Nuevos - Obra de Cristo as an international association of the faithful.
The purpose of the association is that its members should achieve holiness in their lives in obedience to the Gospel by following Christ as their Guide, Master and Lord; and that their families and communities should live with the real presence of Christ among them by being fully united to Christ in order to be his witnesses and to be fruitful in their mission.
Hogares Nuevos – Obra de Cristo focuses on helping families to discover the following:
- Their profound identity as a community of life and love and as a domestic Church that is rooted in Christ’s love for his Church. They are called to holiness which requires conversion of mind and heart to Christ that is sustained through a life of prayer, meditation on the Word of God, and the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist.
- The sacrament of Matrimony and its graces, especially the active and actual presence of the Living Christ with married couples.
- Their place in God’s plan; in the evangelisation of their family; in building, together with other families, communities in Christ; to inculturate the Gospel in response to the specific and concrete problems of today.
- Mary as “Queen of Families” and “Queen of our Home”.
It has an evangelisation methodology that consists of different kinds of meetings, gatherings and services for marriage and the family.
The Association is made up of the “New Homes” Movement, the “Children of New Homes” Movement, the “Missionary Sisters of the Family” and the “Missionary Priests of the Family”.
The “New Homes” Movement comprises Catholic married couples, diocesan and religious priests, religious and consecrated people who take part in the couples’ meetings and manifest their will and desire to belong.
They prepare themselves seriously as animators in the task of proclaiming the Good News of marriage and the family.
“Children of the New Homes” Movement is made up of the children of couples who come to the association meetings. There are meetings for children from about 8 to 25 years of age. Many commit themselves to being animators of other young people through training and giving themselves to the task of evangelisation.
“Missionary Sisters of the Family” is a sector in which the members prepare themselves for family apostolate. They train in order to be qualified in family ministry and to guide and assist families.
“Missionary Priests of the Family” is a sector in which the members prepare themselves for family apostolate. They train in order to be qualified in family ministry, and through their priestly ministry they guide and assist families.
The main governing bodies of Hogares Nuevos - Obra de Cristo are the General Conference, the General Council, the President and three Vice Presidents.
Works connected to Hogares Nuevos – Obra de Cristo are:
Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes Retreat House (Aarón Castellanos, Venado Tuerto Diocese);
María y José Retreat House (Virrey del Pino, Diocese of G. de Laferrere);
Joaquín y Ana Retirement Home (Ituzaingó, Diocese of Morón);
Creciendo Juntos CJn2 Quarterly Magazine
Hogares Nuevos Publications (Books, audios and videos)
Hogares Nuevos – Obra de Cristo
Planta Urbana N.º 1 S6106XAE
Aarón Castellanos (Pcia. Santa Fe)
Tel. [+54] 3382 498024; [+54] 2202 494026