Milicia de Santa María (rama femenina)
Militants of Mary
In the middle of the twentieth century, the Servant of God, Fr Tomás Morales Pérez S.J. (1908-1994) was chosen by the Holy Spirit to contribute to the evangelisation of youth and the family. He came to realise, in the fervour of prayer, that the laity was a potential that was not yet being fully utilised. Fr Morales Pérez saw that the reason why his contemporaries were far from God was primarily due to the “defection of the baptised” (John Paul II, 1982) and that they were no longer like leaven in the heart of the world but were more like an amorphous mass.
In 1946, a group of young men from Madrid who had come to the end of a session of Ignatian spiritual exercises directed by Fr. Morales, became aware of the fact that so many of their companions in study and work were living with their backs to God. Their friends were immersed in asphyxiating materialism and had no ideals that would give meaning to their lives, and this was because no one had ever offered them any. The young men felt touched by Christ and urged to take up a mission to transmit divine life and to transform the world for God. They invited friends to have the transforming experience of spiritual exercises, and they organised further activities for human and spiritual development, along with the cultivation of an intense life of prayer and sacrifice, imbued with a deep love for Mary. In this way, a movement emerged of young people who were firmly grounded in the love of God and unconditionally available for mission. From the 1960's, Father Morales also promoted this movement with girls.
On 8 December 2008, the Pontifical Council for the Laity issued a decree of recognition of the Militants of Mary (women's branch) as an international association of the faithful.
The charism given to Fr Morales was inspired by the mystery of the Word incarnate in Nazareth. The members of the Movement, in the light of this mystery, are called to extend in themselves this dimension of the life of Christ. They do so by seeking apostolic holiness in the heart of the world through contemplative spirituality in action.
The Militants of Mary have one goal which is to be at the service of the universal Church and all its works without being attached to any particular one of them; to show people how to become holy wherever God sends them, in their families and in any kind of occupation and profession, people who will then teach others to live as Christians in these milieus.
Some features that distinguish the Militants of Mary as an apostolic movement are: a family atmosphere in the style of the early Christians, a spirit of self-improvement, love for Our Lady, loyalty and communion with the Pope and the magisterium of the Church, universality, differentiated instruction of the sexes, attention to people’s deeper needs, and their striving and perseverance in their personal life-projects.
The four “cardinal points” of Fr. Morales' pedagogy cannot be omitted from the activities: a demanding spirit, the cultivation of reflection, a fighting spirit and a school of constancy. The main activities are spiritual exercises and summer camps.
The main governing bodies of the Militants of Mary (women’s branch) are the International Assembly, chaired by the President of the Association, and the Board of Directors.
The members of the Movement are called Militants of Mary after a process of training that is divided into four stages, the first two of which are preparation for incorporation into the Association.
Those who make their promises according to the statutes are considered to be Militants. To be a Militant implies participating in the activities of the Association and undertaking a commitment to a spiritual life and apostolic engagement.
The Association participates in the spirituality and mission of the Crusaders of Mary Secular Institute, founded by Fr Morales, from which it emerged. Thus, it is the moral duty of the Institute to watch over and take care of the preservation and integral transmission of the charism bequeathed by the founder.
Other Works connected to the Militants of Mary are:
- The “Catholic University Encounters” association in universities formed by students and teaching staff;
- BERIT NGO: missionary support teams in America and Africa;
- the BERIT Family Institute.
Llares, quarterly magazine.
Milicia de Santa María (rama femenina)
Calle Juan de Mena, 23
28008 Madrid
Tel. [+34] 91 5217083
Fax [+34] 91 5325995