Movimiento de Vida Cristiana
Christian Life Movement
The Christian Life Movement was established in 1985 in Latin America, first in Peru and soon afterwards in Brazil and Colombia. Later, it expanded to other countries.
It began with a group of young Catholics who were eager to live out their faith commitment more intensely. Their evangelisation activities resulted in the creation of various different groups and pastoral and solidarity initiatives.
On 23 March 1994, the Pontifical Council for the Laity decreed recognition of the CLM as an international association of the faithful and approved the text of its Statutes.
The CLM is an ecclesial movement that encourages its members − laity, clergy and consecrated − to live according to the vocation to holiness and apostolate common to all Christians.
They seek to collaborate with the evangelising mission of the Church, and they work for reconciliation that was brought to us by the Lord Jesus. The members profess filial piety to Our Lady and share their faith in communities as their apostolate reaches all areas of society.
The CLM, as part of its general apostolic orientation, feels called to emphasise five areas that it considers fundamental: a service of evangelisation for young people; commitment in solidarity with the poor; proclamation of the Gospel that reaches the grassroots of culture and cultures; evangelisation, instruction and support of Christian families; defence of human life, dignity and rights.
The CLM has a General Council made up of the Coordinator, Spiritual Assistant, Treasurer, Executive Secretary and Communications Assistant. At the local level the CLM has coordination councils in each city. In addition, the Movement is organised according to areas of evangelisation (youth, families, solidarity, women, etc.) that are coordinated internationally. Every five years, delegates from all the cities meet together to hold a Plenary Assembly.
The works of the Movement are pastoral initiatives aimed at specific groups and categories of people, solidarity activities to help people in situations of poverty and faith formation with retreats, courses and cultural meetings.
Boletín Camino hacia Dios.
Movimiento de Vida Cristiana
Jr 2, 553
Lima 41 (Peru)
Tel. [+51]14896161