Lord Jesus Christ,
You gave us life by making it shine with Your divine reflection
and You reserve a special gift to the elderly who benefit from a long life.
We entrust and consecrate them to You: make them witnesses
of the Gospel values and devoted custodians of Christian traditions.
Protect them and preserve their spirit with Your loving gaze and Your mercy.
Make them sure of Your faithfulness, messengers of Your love
humble apostles of Your forgiveness, welcoming and life-giving arms
for children and young people who seek in the eyes of their grandparents
a safe guide in their pilgrimage to eternal life.
Make us capable of giving them the love, care and respect
they deserve in our families and communities.
And grant each of us the blessing of a long life
in order to one day be able to unite with You, in Heaven
You who live, and reign in love forever and ever.
Presentation of Jesus at the temple in Jerusalem:
Icon (2013) created by Renata Sciachì, Luigia Aragozzini and Marcella Vasi