The staff of the Dicastery

The Dicastery is provided with a large number of Officials, both clerics and laypersons, selected as far as possible from the different regions of the world, in accordance with the current norms of the Roman Curia.


Dorota Abdelmoula

Francesca Acito

Rev. Giovanni Buontempo

Paola Canu

Isabelle Cassarà

Rev. João Chagas

Tania D'Alessandro

Pamela Fabiano

Luca Fagiani

Wallace Freitas

Giovanna Guerrieri

Lorena Leonardi

Maurizio Lepri

Elisa Lisiero

Rev. Ignacio Martínez Pliego

Pilar Mendieta Vetter  

Paul Metzlaff

Philip Milligan

Raffaele Moccia

Marta Mosele

Leonardo Nepi

Paola Pagano

Santiago Pérez de Camino Gaisse

Vittorio Scelzo  

Barbara Sikora

Eugenie Tcheugoue

Danilo Zennaro