Ad Limina Visits

Ad Limina Visit of the Bishops of Panama

The Ad Limina Visit of Panama’s Bishops at the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life was characterized by an atmosphere of great familiarity. The meeting comes at the time when the Dicastery and ...

Ad Limina Visit of the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Albania

“I prayed before that wall because Jesus was there.”—These are the words of an elderly Albanian man, quoted by Don Simon Kulli, Diocesan Administrator of Sapë, during the Ad Limina Visit of the ...

Ad Limina Visit of the Bishops of Guatemala

On Wednesday, 24 May, we had the joy of receiving thirteen Bishops from Guatemala for their Ad Limina Visit. In an atmosphere of fraternity, the Bishops told us of their joys and their hopes regarding ...

Ad Limina Visit of Peru’s Bishops

“Thanks to God, the value of the family, founded on the marriage between a man and a woman, continues to be a very important value for most Peruvians.” With these words, Msgr. Eguren Anselmi, ...

Ad Limina Visit of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Quebec

“Life must always be defended, from conception to natural death, but also at every stage. That is why we are committed to taking care of fragile lives, such as those of people with disabilities or the ...