Pope Francis
Advance, Under the Guidance of Jesus
The Pope’s words to the young people and the elderly of the Roman parish of Saint Gelasius in Ponte Mammolo

“Life is a little like this afternoon because sometimes the sun shines, but sometimes clouds come, it rains, and the weather is bad. Know that there are good times and bad times in life. What should a Christian do? Advance courageously, in the good times and in the bad times. Got it? There will be storms in life... Advance! Jesus is guiding us. There will be bright days... Advance! Jesus is guiding us.”
Pope Francis said this in a dialog with the children at the Roman parish of Saint Gelasius in Ponte Mammolo, where he went a few days ago for a pastoral visit.
Shortly after, meeting with the elderly, Francis thanked them for what they do for the Church: “You—he said—are the embers, the embers of the world under the ashes: under difficulties, under wars, there are these embers, embers of faith, embers of hope, embers of hidden joy.” “Your life—Francis continued—has not been useless: it was fire, fire that gave warmth, that accomplished so many things. Although the fire eventually goes out, the embers remain. Do not forget this: You are the embers of the world, the embers of the Church, that keep the fire going.”
He, then, urged them to speak with the young people: “Listen to the young people. They need it! Do not scold the young, no, no! Let them talk, ask questions about the many things that come to their minds, because it is not easy to understand young people. But speak with them. They need your experience, they need—he concluded—that fire hidden in your embers.”
05 March 2018

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