JP II Institute

Acting Sacramentally and Acting in the Family: What kind of Synergy?

A colloquium to understand the nature and consequences of the relationship between Christian action and sacramental action

“Acting Sacramentally and Acting in the Family: What kind of Synergy?” is the theme of the V Sacramental Theology Colloquium organized for April 20 by the international research section in sacramental theology of the Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute.

The goal, the promoters explain, is “to explore the relationship between Christian action and sacramental action. Precisely because the sacraments conform our actions to the action of Christ, they must not be ‘prolonged’ in action, but rather they are now being acted out, indeed, they contain the central form of Christian action. What is this synergy between sacramental action and moral action? What consequences does it have for the path of families? How is their path conformed to that of Jesus? These are the questions—they concluded—that we want to probe.”

The sessions will include, among others, lectures by Filippo Belli (Theological Faculty of Central Italy) on “The Domestic Codes in the ‘Corpus paulinum’: Between Christology and Ethics,” John Saward (Oxford University) on “‘Offer Your Bodies to God’: Eucharistic Logic and Christian Action,” and José Noriega (Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute) on “Sacraments and practical reason.”

The speakers during the second session will be Etienne Michelin (Institut Théologique Notre Dame de Vie) on the theme “Lex Orandi, Lex Agendi: From the Body to the Body,” Giovanni Cesare Pagazzi (Theological Faculty of Northern Italy) on “Sacramental Action and Rehabilitation of the Familial Subject,” and José Granados (Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute) on “The Time of the Sacraments and the Narrativity of the Family.”

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03 April 2018