Ad limina
Over the past few weeks, our Dicastery has hosted the bishops of the Episcopal Conference of the Pacific and that of New Zealand on their ad limina visit. Here, we offer a few salient points which ...
Currently, the Prefect Card. Kevin Farrell is in Recife, Brazil, for the first International Conference for Leaders of the Charismatic Community. The Cardinal will first address the Charismatic ...
In Turin, an event in view of the Global Compact on Education
“We were inspired by the synodal process with young people and by the Apostolic Exhortation ‘Christus vivit,’ in which the Holy Father speaks directly on the importance of social friendships among ...
Pope Francis
The message for the 28th World Day of the Sick
“The noun ‘person’ always comes before the adjective ‘sick.’ Therefore, may your work always promote the dignity and life of the human person, without conceding to acts of a euthanistic nature, to ...