
A relational asset which drives the economic system

The video message of Undersecretary Gambino in preparation for “the Economy of Francis”
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The nuclear family, with the stability and security it affords its members, must be supported by the State, insofar as the nuclear family as an institution is the foundation of society. That is, it provides the foundation condition for every other possibility for the social dimension of the development of the human person.

With these words, the Undersecretary of the Dicastery, Gabriella Gambino, addressed her message to the participants in the “thematic Village” Policies for happiness, in preparation for the Economy of Francis event, which is taking place online with the participation of young people from all over of the world.

In the video message, Gambino expressed the urgency of protecting the family within every economic system as a relational asset capable of generating “virtuous attitudes within the marketplace, such as sharing and solidarity between generations, making themselves producers of services … the family is a driving force in the economic system.”

Faced with the devastating effects of the pandemic we are experiencing, the whole world must find itself united in facing its economic, social, and human consequences with creativity and virtuous initiatives. The family in particular “was the shock absorber which absorbed the heaviest human and economic consequences of the crisis on its shoulders,” and which. Gambino continued, can become “the principle engine capable of generating stability, security, and attitudes which are free and supportive, which can power the economic system virtuously.”



31 July 2020