Letter to Married Couples

May the Letter to Married Couples relive in our homes!

One year ago, in publishing the Letter to Married Couples, Pope Francis delivered a precious message for families to cherish in their hearts

On the Feast Day of the Holy Family of Nazareth - and on the occasion of the "Amoris Laetitia Family" Year - Pope Francis wrote a Letter to Married Couples: a Christmas gift, an encouragement, a sign of closeness and an opportunity to meditate on the beauty of being a family.

In order not to forget and to make the Holy Father's words resonate in our homes, the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life has prepared a series of visuals to use on social networks and greeting cards to be shared on social networks, to meditate on the gift of living the holidays in the family, with other families, and without forgetting families in need.

The cards will be published on the following dates:

25 December 2022

26 December 2022

30 December 2022

6 January 2023

The Letter to Married Couples, translated into ten languages, is available here:


21 December 2022